orientation for George Mason University! Yes people, I am going to be attending a LEGITIMATE college/university! 

It has taken a lot to get here. And by a lot, I mean obstacles that I have put in my own way by second guessing myself. I never would have thought that I would be so excited to [what feels like] start my life! 
--->Why is this "starting" my life?
Well I'm glad you asked kind italic print! Once I get this degree that tells the world that I can talk to people and help them with their lives and their problems, then I can go out and start actually DOING that! I can begin not just my job, but my career. I can start making big girl money and having big girl responsibilities. I can choose where I live! 

Also. I can get married :)

So tonight as I print out a campus map and all the paper work, as I enjoy my newly straightened hair and excitedly plan out what to wear [I'm thinking of going with "clothes"] I have this quote on my mind:
It doesn't matter that in high school I messed up so much. It doesn't matter that I took forever at my community college or that I changed my mind so much.
It doesn't matter that I've skipped so many classes, been late to so many things, NONE of that.
Tomorrow is a new beginning. 
And tomorrow I will start afresh not trying NOT to fail [ooooh double negative], but instead to be myself.

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